
Dr. Gyanendra Singh

Assistant Professor


B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph. D. Horticulture (Vegetable Science)

Subjects Taught / Student Project Mentor

Fundamentals of Horticulture
Production Technology for Vegetable and Spices
Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAPS and Landscaping
Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture
Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops
Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

Research & Publications

1- Gyanendrasingh, G.C.Yadav, Yamuna Prasad singh, Ajay singh (2017) Response of various doses of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of sweet potato (IpomeabatatasL.).
2.Yamuna Prasad singh, V.B. Singh, Praveen kumarsingh, Vimleshkumar, Maneeshpandey, Gyanendrasingh (2017) “Studies on mean performance for yield and its contributing traits of sponge gourd (Luffacylinderica L.)”
3.Nikhil vikramsingh, Vijay bahadur, Vipin M Prasad, Netra pal yadav, Gyanendrasingh, Amitkumarsingh (2020) “Evaluation of growth attributes, yield and quality of pomato plants”.
4.Nikhil vikramsingh, Vijay bahadur, Vipin M Prasad, Netra pal yadav, Gyanendrasingh, Amitkumarsingh (2020) “Is tomato- potato interspecific graft economically viable.”
5.Gyanendra Singh, Vipin Masih Prasad, Vijay Bahadur, Nikhil Vikram Singh and Netra Pal Yadav(2022) “Influence of different organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on yield and yield traits of turnip.”
6.Gyanendra Singh, Vipin Masih Prasad, Vijay Bahadur, Nikhil Vikram Singh and Netra Pal Yadav(2022) “Influence of Different Organic Manures and Inorganic Fertilizers on Vegetative Growth of Turnip.”
7.Netra Pal Yadav, Vijay Bahadur, Gyanendra Singh and Nikhil Vikram Singh (2022) “Influence of Foliar Spray of Brassinosteroids (BR), Salicylic Acid (SA) and Gibberellic Acid (GA3) on Vegetative Growth and Flowering Parameters of Cucumber
(Cucumis sativus L) cv. Arpit”
8.Netra Pal Yadav, Vijay Bahadur, Nikhil Vikram Singh and Gyanendra Singh (2022) “Influence of Foliar Spray of Brassinosteroids (BR), Salicylic Acid (SA) and Gibberellic Acid (GA3) on the fruit yield and yield traits of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) cv. Arpit”


Vidwan ID:445324